Sunday, April 28, 2013

Power blackouts crippling India

Last summer, over 700 million people were affected by sweeping power blackouts across India. Doctors in the middle of surgeries. College students in the middle of term papers. The blackouts became just another part of Indian culture. Over time, however, they could decidedly cripple the country’s economy.

Businesses purchased backup generators to address the problem, but these generators ran on fossil fuels like diesel, and ultimately contributed to rising pollution concerns. Hospitals began reporting an increased number of heart disease and asthma cases.

While all of this has been going on, 400 million people in India continue to live without regular access to power. The government has promoted energy efficient renovations as means of saving energy. More efficient windows, air conditioning, and motion sensor lighting use less electricity, save money, and reduce the frequency of blackouts.

The next step would be to introduce a clean alternative source of energy to the market. The SH-Box by NRGLab is the ideal generator. It’s powered by a polycrystalline core that’s reliable, renewable, and emits zero amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Can’t get much cleaner than that! The SH-Box could immediately replace the diesel generators in India and begin to heal the environment as well as the economy.

India’s growing at a furious rate. Companies, cities, and public officials are straining to figure out how best to sustain that growth in a responsible manner.  The government recently announced its plans to double the amount of clean energy it produces by the year 2017. To meet that quota, they may need a little assistance from NRGLab.

For more information on the SH-Box revolution, visit the NRGLab homepage at

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