Friday, May 24, 2013

Disagreement over global warming? 97% of scientists say, “No.”

Although the public seems to think experts are divided on the issue, 97% of scientists agree that global warming is, in fact, a man-made disaster. However, the public’s misconception is making it more difficult for elected representatives to enact necessary policy changes.

"There’s a strong scientific agreement about the cause of climate change, despite public perceptions to the contrary," said Professor John Cook of the University of Queensland, Australia. "There’s a gaping chasm between the actual consensus and the public perception. When people understand that scientists agree on global warming, they're more likely to support policies that take action on it."

Did you know that the planet’s average surface temperature has risen by 0.8 degree Celsius, or 1.4F, since the Industrial Revolution? That may not sound like much, but consider that today, all 19 of Earth’s glacial regions are melting, the effects are irrefutable.

Experts from the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Australia studied thousands of peer journals dating back to the 1990s, and what they found was a wide – much wider than anticipated – acceptance of man’s role in global warming. This was the largest effort to gauge the scientific community’s opinion on the topic.

Professor Mark Richardson of the University of Reading, England, says that "if people disagree with what we've found, we want to know.”

Surveys performed in over 90 countries show widespread belief that experts are in disagreement about whether climate change is man-made, or simply part of a fluctuating environment. Last October, the U.S. Pew Research Center found that only 45% of Americans answered "Yes" when asked: "Do scientists agree Earth is getting warmer because of human activity?"

The level of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has reached 400 parts per million, the highest it’s been since the dinosaurs! Droughts, floods, and rising sea levels are expected to ravage our very way of life. Is the government doing enough to protect us?

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