Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Energy independence could finally bring about world peace

In an editorial recently published by the New York Times, author Kenneth Hersh and Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer suggest that America’s energy revolution will reshape the way the world embraces green technology, and perhaps even bring about world peace.

“The production process is complicated and expensive, and if the industry is not careful there can be risks to the environment,” they write. “But the potential is staggering. Significant domestic job growth and economic expansion have begun."

With more and more countries discovering rich deposits of shale and natural gas, energy is finally becoming democratized. No longer do a few oil moguls dominate the market. Instead, they’re forced to compete on a global scale. And as capitalism has proven in the past, competition can breed better prices for the consumer.

Energy independence also means domestic security. For example, as the U.S. improves its production and processing methods, they’ll rely less and less on foreign oil.

“As America drives toward a new era of energy self-sufficiency, Washington will be less willing to risk lives and spends billions on ensuring the free flow of oil and gas through dangerous places,” Hersh and Bremmer write. “That’s especially important for the Middle East — a region where Ottomans, then Europeans, and lately Americans have, for better and for worse, helped keep the peace. The United States isn’t about to abandon the region entirely, not with the global economy still so dependent on the flow of commerce through the Strait of Hormuz and Israel’s security at risk. But it’s natural that as America becomes less reliant on the Middle East for energy, Washington’s willingness to accept risks and burdens there will diminish, or at least become harder to justify in a fiscally constrained era.”

Hersh and Bremmer also hint that China is poised to fill the void left in the global market, and will begin exporting crude oil at higher prices. This will allow poorer countries to continue pumping carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, contributing to the already out-of-control climate crisis.

NRGLab has developed a number of cost-effective techniques for converting agricultural waste, natural gas, and even geothermal heat into clean energy. We’ve seen where the world is heading, and we want to help get it back on the right track. Investing in green technology is the smartest way to secure your financial future. Learn more by visiting, or by following us on Facebook and Twitter.

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